Top Bloggers' Income Reports

by Quenton Fyfe

25th April 2019

Skip to the Income Reports.

When I visit Internet Marketing and Online Business forums, I often see people asking the question:

Is it possible to make a living online?

Of course, the answer is “Yes” – with the right business model, and a lot of hard work and persistence you can make a very good living from an online business.

But I know that might be hard to believe if you’ve never done it, and you don’t know anyone who has.

Before you set out to achieve anything, you need to believe that it’s possible, otherwise, it’s hard to stay motivated and continue to push towards your goal.

I think that’s why so many people enjoy reading the monthly income reports that some bloggers and online business owners publish.

Their real-world income reports give you the chance to see what people just like you have achieved – and that’s a powerful motivator.

While it’s fun to read income reports from the superstars of online business and speculate about what it might be like to earn those huge sums – it’s just as valuable to read reports from mid-level bloggers and business owners, and people just starting out.

Who’s Included

If my criteria were simply “Online Businesses”, this roundup might not be very useful or inspiring – after all Google, Facebook and Amazon are online businesses and their earnings are in the billions.

So I’m concentrating on Bloggers and Small Online Businesses, run by a solo entrepreneur, or as a family business with perhaps a handful of employees.

I’m not invading anyone’s privacy here: All these figures have been published on the entrepreneur’s own website and their blog income report is publicly available there.

So here it is – a roundup of the income reports of top bloggers and online entrepreneurs.

You can sort the table by clicking on any of the column headers, and you can filter the results by typing into the boxes on the second line.

Each entry in the table links to a detailed profile of the entrepreneur, where you’ll find a link to their income report on their own website.

All the figures are from the most up-to-date income reports available at the time of writing.

Top Bloggers by Monthly Income

1Melyssa Griffin$283,680 58
2Lindsay Ostrom$190,654 Pinch of Yum 70 3,218,994
3Pat Flynn$167,553 Smart Passive Income 67
4Michelle Schroeder-Gardner$159,592Making Sense of Cents 59 400,000
5John Lee Dumas$155,405Entrepreneurs On Fire 58
6Rosemarie Groner$86,439Busy Budgeter 52 874,603
7Mike Thomas$75,792Mike From Maine256,900
8Ryan Robinson$58,210RyRob.com53611,979
9Joe Sanok$53,168 Practice of the Practice 37
10Trevor and Jennifer Debth$46,367Show Me The Yummy 58 704,868
11Abby Lawson$41,700 Just a Girl and Her Blog 58
12Harsh Agrawal$40,055 Shout Me Loud 68 1,063,107
13Suzi Whitford$39,888 Start a Mom Blog41
14Jon Dykstra$37,495 Fat Stacks Entrepreneur 32
15Dominic Wells$29,684Human Proof Designs 42
16Holly and Greg Johnson$25,934 Club Thrifty 55
17Caroline Vencil$25,871 39 125,000
18Matthew Woodward$25,718 52 137,513
19Gina Horkey$20,492 Horkey Handbook 41 704,326
20Nicky and Chris Corbishley$19,076 Living The Blog 19 1,002,291
21Kristin Larsen$18,129Believe in a Budget 42
22Suzi Scheler$17,934 Rosevibe 18
23Deacon Hayes$17,714 Well Kept Wallet 53
24Justin Weinger$16,156So Over This39
25Pauline Cabrera$15,583 Twelve Skip 52 270,879
26Rose Atwater$13,059 12 480,248
27Chelsea Clarke$12,972 Her Paper Route 36 41,232
28Kayla Sloan$10,737 KaylaSloan.com37
29Sydney Dunham$10,709 43
30John Shea$10,295No Shame Income 17
31Ashleigh Kiser$9,756 Sewrella 46 374,691
32Lance Cothern$9,357Money Manifesto 49
33Tammy Kresge$9,260 Organize Yourself Skinny 54 892,047
34Pauline Paquin$8,760 Make Money Your Way 37
35Lena Gott$7,464What Mommy Does 48 306,685
36Hilary Erickson$6,700 Pulling Curls 42 170,175
37Alexa Mason$5,473 Single Moms Income 44
38Paula Dennholt$4,310Easy Baby Life 43 524,499
39Daundra Becker$3,599Bringing Home Becker 18
40Sarah Brooks$1,738The Frugal Millionaire 38 45,802
41Derek Chamberlain$1,473Money Ahoy 35
42Esteban$452My Path to Passive Income 23 5,258

Entrepreneur Profiles

Melyssa Griffin

Screenshot of website showing Melyssa on the left against a yellow background looking at some words offering her business plan workbook.


Latest Income Figures: December 2016
Monthly Income: $283,680
Monthly Net Profit: $191,146
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 58

Melyssa’s Story

In 2013, Melyssa was living in Tokyo, teaching English to Japanese students and feeling like she had a lot more to offer.

She started a blog called The Nectar Collective to harness her creativity – not thinking for a minute that blogging could be a career. When the blog took off, Melyssa used it to launch a graphic design business that soon became her full-time job.

After moving back to California, the blog continued to grow, making six figures in its second year. Melyssa then closed the graphic design business to focus on online training – a move that paid off handsomely when she made over a million dollars in her third year.

Today, the blog (now re-branded teaches online marketing skills, specialising in Pinterest, webinars, course creation and list building.

Most of the blog’s income comes from sales of Melyssa’s own online courses, though there’s a healthy affiliate income too.

Lindsay Ostrom

Screenshot of Pinch of Yum website showing Lindsay, with long brown hair and glasses, standing in front of a green squared background.


Latest Income Figures: November 2016
Monthly Income: $190,654
Monthly Net Profit: $162,149
Pageviews: 3,218,994
Domain Authority: 70

Lindsay’s Story

Lindsay Ostrom was working as a fourth grade teacher when she started Pinch of Yum as a hobby website.

Originally just a place to share the recipes that Lindsay enjoys making and eating herself, today Pinch of Yum reaches millions of people every month with exciting recipes that inspire people to make time in their busy lives to cook.

Pinch of Yum is more than just a recipe blog, as Lindsay also shares stories from her life outside the kitchen, including travel, home stuff, motherhood, and her deeply personal story of the loss of her baby son, Afton.

As the business flourished Lindsay and her husband Bjork created Food Blogger Pro to help other would-be food bloggers learn how to create a successful blogging business of their own.

Pinch of Yum and Food Blogger Pro have now grown to the point where Lindsay and Bjork employ a team of people to help them run and grow the business.

Their last income report was published in November 2016, and at that time the main sources of income were advertising and sponsored content, although there was also some affiliate income. The main expense was staff salaries and contractors.

Pat Flynn

Screenshot of Smart Passive Income showing Pat Flynn with his wife and children - a boy under 10 and a younger girl. Pat is also holding a small white dog.


Latest Income Figures: December 2017
Monthly Income: $167,553
Monthly Net Profit: $127,906
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 67

Pat’s Story

Pat Flynn didn’t set out to be an entrepreneur. In 2008 he was a qualified architect just embarking on what promised to be a fantastic career.

He also started a website to help architecture students pass the LEED exams he’d recently finished.

Then the financial crisis hit the industry, his firm laid him off – and it was impossible to find another job.

With his wedding only a few months away, Pat had to do something fast. Having heard about a successful online training business he decided to turn his architecture exams website into a business.

The success of this business led Pat to start the “Smart Passive Income” website and podcast to teach his proven strategies for earning passive income from an online business.

Pat’s impressive monthly income comes mainly from affiliate commissions for products he recommends, and sales of his online courses about podcasting and affiliate marketing.

His passive income is well diversified – as he also has earnings from book sales, niche websites, podcast sponsorships and podcasting software.

Pat’s main expenses are the salaries of Team Flynn – the team of developers, assistants and writers he now needs to operate his growing business.

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Screenshot of home page of Making Sense of Cents Website showing links to About page with photo of Michelle, her partner and dog as background.


Latest Income Figures: November 2018
Monthly Income: $159,592
Monthly Net Profit: $147,245
Pageviews: 400,000
Domain Authority: 59

Michelle’s Story

Michelle Schroder-Gardner has two business degrees and an MBA in finance – so she knows about money. Unfortunately while studying for those qualifications she’d also accumulated $38,000 in student loans.

So she started personal finance and lifestyle blog “Making Sense of Cents” to track her efforts to pay off those loans and to use her knowledge of money to help her readers improve their finances too.

The blog has been so popular that Michelle’s student loan debts are all paid off, and she’s been able to leave her job as a financial analyst to concentrate on the blog which now makes over $100,000 every month.

Michelle now travels the world full-time on a sailing boat – while continuing to run her online business.

Today, “Making Sense of Cents” has lots of information to help you save money and make more money, including a popular section on how to start a blog of your own.

The blog makes money from affiliate commissions and sales of Michelle’s online courses as well as sponsorships and advertising.

John Lee Dumas

screenshot of Entrepreneurs On Fire's about page showing John Lee Dumas seated wearing a blue t shirt


Latest Income Figures: March 2019
Monthly Income: $155,405
Monthly Net Profit: $127,670
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 58

John’s Story

After graduating from college John spent 8 years in the army, including a tour of duty in Iraq. He attended law school for one semester and tried a few different jobs – but didn’t find anything he loved to do.

Then he discovered podcasts – but couldn’t find a daily podcast that interviewed successful entrepreneurs – so he created one!

John’s recipe for success was to “create free, valuable, and consistent content” and over the 6 years that the podcast has been running, John has created more than 2,000 inspiring episodes.

The “Entrepreneurs on Fire” podcast makes money from the sale of products and services including memberships of the Podcasters’ Paradise community, as well as affiliate income from sales of software and courses for online business owners.

Rosemarie Groner

Homepage screenshot with blog title saying Transform Your Finances with Easy to Follow Challenges - and a photo of Rosemarie


Latest Income Figures: January 2017
Monthly Income: $86,439
Monthly Net Profit: n/a
Pageviews: 874,603
Domain Authority: 52

Rosemarie’s Story

Rosemarie Groner knows what it’s like to be disorganized, in the red and struggling.

But she also knows how to win the battle and to be calm, confident and successful.

She created the Busy Budgeter blog to help other people follow in her footsteps and move from struggle to success.

The blog has lots of information on how to establish and stick to a budget, how to save money, and how to be more organized and have more time.

There’s also information on how to make some extra money, either by blogging, or other opportunities to work from home.

The blog makes money from Rosemarie’s own products on budgeting and online marketing, but also has a healthy income from affiliate revenue, sponsored posts and display advertising.

Mike Thomas

Screenshot of website with photo of Mike Thomas


Latest Income Figures: February 2019
Monthly Income: $75,792
Monthly Net Profit: $65,675
Pageviews: 6,900
Domain Authority: 25

Mike’s Story

Originally from Maine, Mike Thomas has taken advantage of the flexibility online business offers, and now lives in Istanbul in Turkey. started as a travel blog, but became a way to document Mike’s journey building more than 600 niche websites monetized with AdSense ads.

Mike’s profitable business model came crashing down in September 2012 when Google changed their algorithm, wiping out 90% of Mike’s income overnight.

Refusing to give up, Mike started the “Mike from Maine” show on YouTube, where he interviewed a different entrepreneur every day about how they make money online and reviewing the products they offer.

Revenue comes from affiliate commissions on sales of the many products that Mike has reviewed on his YouTube channel, from commissions on product launches he promotes to his email list, and earnings from his monthly coaching program.

Ryan Robinson

Screenshot of website with photo of Ryan Robinson


Latest Income Figures: March 2019
Monthly Income: $58,210
Monthly Net Profit: $54,732
Pageviews: 611,979
Domain Authority: 53

Ryan’s Story

Ryan Robinson started his first side project in college, when he designed a fake iPhone called the iStash so students could smuggle weed into concerts! He had them manufactured in China and sold more than 6,000 units but still managed to lose more than $6,000.

As Ryan’s dad observed, he probably learned more from this than he did in college – and it cost a hell of a lot less.

With that experience behind him, Ryan’s second side venture “Case Escape” – a kit that allows entrepreneurs to create and sell custom printed phone cases – grew to more than $160,000 in one year.

Ryan now blogs about building side project businesses on, and his podcast “The Side Hustle Project” has more than 275,000 listeners. All this is done “on the side” while he works a day job!

Most of Ryan’s earnings come from affiliate commissions, with small contributions from advertising and online course sales. Expenses include professional services such as the producer of his podcast and freelance writers, hosting and Internet access.

Joe Sanok

Screenshot of homepage including choice of articles


Latest Income Figures: February 2019
Monthly Income: $53,168
Monthly Net Profit: $12,744
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 37

Joe’s Story

When Joe Sanok graduated, and wanted to set up a private counseling practice, he realised he’d had great clinical training – but knew nothing about the business side of running a practice, and struggled to get his practice going.

Joe set to work learning about marketing, business, and how to make more money in a counseling practice – ethically.

In 2012, Joe started his blog Practice of the Practice to share what he was learning with other practice owners. He’s even brought in some of his friends so that readers hear a variety of expert opinions.

Today, Practice of the Practice has hundreds of articles and podcasts that will help counselors set up and grow a thriving private practice.

Joe monetizes his blog mainly with coaching and consulting, a mastermind group, and a membership community designed to help people start their own practice, as well as some passive affiliate commissions.

His main expenses are for 1099 counselors, virtual assistants and other consultants.

Trevor and Jennifer Debth

Screenshot of Show Me The Yummy with photo of Trevor and Jennifer


Latest Income Figures: December 2016
Monthly Income: $46,367
Monthly Net Profit: n/a
Pageviews: 704,868
Domain Authority: 58

Trevor and Jennifer’s Story

Trevor and Jennifer Debth are the creators of the popular food blog “Show Me The Yummy”. A parable at their wedding ceremony inspired them to follow their passion, so in 2014 they took a chance on starting the blog, to share their love of delicious food, and hoping it would earn an income for Jennifer.

Only eight months later they decided that working together on something they loved was more important than having a steady income – so Trevor left his corporate job and came on board to work on the blog full-time.

Today, the blog has hundreds of delicious recipes organised by occasion (Christmas, Game Day, Valentines Day), by health (Healthy, Healthy-ISH, Indulgent), by dietary requirements and more.

There are also more than 200 videos that quickly introduce a dish and inspire you to see the whole recipe.

“Show Me The Yummy” earns income through display advertising, sponsored content, hosting food video how-to workshops and a digital version of those workshops as a scalable way to offer their content to people who can’t attend in person.

With monthly revenues of more than $40,000 it’s fair to say that Trevor and Jennifer’s bold decision to follow their dreams has paid off handsomely!

Abby Lawson

Screenshot of Just a Girl and her Blog with a photo of Abby Lawson


Latest Income Figures: December 2016
Monthly Income: $41,700
Monthly Net Profit: $35,360
Pageviews: 450,000
Domain Authority: 58

Abby’s Story

Abby Lawson started “Just a Girl and Her Blog” in 2013 because she wanted to do something creative, and blogging looked interesting – even though she wasn’t sure anyone would ever read it.

Since then, “Just a Girl and Her Blog” has certainly found an audience – with more than 400,000 pageviews a month and a monthly income of over $40,000. It’s now a family business, as Abby’s husband Donnie now works full-time on the blog and her sister Brittany looks after the social media.

Abby shares tips for decorating and organizing a beautiful home, as well as sharing what she’s learned about blogging and online business to help others grow their websites and achieve some of the success that Abby and Donnie have enjoyed.

“Just a Girl and Her Blog” earns income from affiliate commissions, and from sales of Abby’s products including eBooks and online courses on how to start a blog, life planning and more.

Expenses include payouts to affiliates, assistant’s salary and accounting fees, paid advertising and email marketing tools.

Harsh Agrawal

Screenshot of Shout Me Loud website with illustration of a desk with a computer.


Latest Income Figures: February 2018
Monthly Income: $40,055
Monthly Net Profit: $32,129
Pageviews: 1,063,107
Domain Authority: 68

Harsh’s Story

Harsh Agrawal started blogging in 2008 – but it wasn’t until a life-changing accident a year later left him bed-ridden for 7 months, that Harsh started spending countless hours honing his blogging skills.

Today Harsh is able to travel the world, enjoying adventure sports and sharing everything he’s learned about digital marketing and starting a profitable blog.

ShoutMeLoud is a community as well as a blog – it has more than 900,000 subscribers across various platforms. The website has lots of information about SEO, social media marketing, how to start a blog, affiliate marketing and more.

With traffic of more than 1 million pageviews per month the blog is helping a lot of people realise their dream of running their own online business.

ShoutMeLoud earns most of its revenue from affiliate commissions, although there is also some revenue from direct ad sales.

Salaries and travel expenses account for the majority of the outgoings.

Suzi Whitford

Screenshot of Start a Mom Blog with photo of Suzi Whitford and a colleague


Latest Income Figures: August 2017
Monthly Income: $39,888
Monthly Net Profit: $37,016
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 41

Suzi’s Story

Suzi Whitford has enjoyed using computers since she was a child and even worked as a teaching assistant teaching web design in college.

After graduating, Suzi went into the corporate world including stints with General Electric and Walt Disney World.

But everything changed when Suzi became a mom and wanted to stay at home with her new daughter.

Seeking an outlet for her productive energy that would fit into nap times, Suzi turned to blogging which seemed the perfect fit, offering the flexibility she was looking for, as well as connection with other Moms.

Blogging professionally also offered Suzi the chance to use her teaching, computer and organisational skills to help the new friends she was making online start blogs of their own.

“Start A Mom Blog” shows would-be bloggers how to use the time management techniques, processes and systems that Suzi used in Fortune 100 companies to manage the many tasks and activities that running a successful blog requires.

“Start A Mom Blog” has three main sources of income: Sales of Suzi’s online courses, sales of ebooks, and affiliate commissions.

Expenses are minimal with affiliate commissions and transaction fees for sales of the online courses being the main outgoing.

Jon Dykstra


Latest Income Figures: February 2019
Monthly Income: $37,495
Monthly Net Profit: $33,052
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 32

Jon’s Story

Jon Dykstra started with a successful academic career, and degrees in philosophy, law and an MBA, before practising law for 6 years.

In his spare time, he started blogging for his law firm. The blog took off almost immediately and Jon enjoyed the process and built more successful legal blogs.

Keen to see if he could replicate his results outside of the legal field, Jon built a blog that wasn’t about the law – and that took off as well, leaving him to choose between his legal practice and his blogging business. He chose blogging.

Today, Jon runs 7 niche websites, and the figures reported here are for those – he doesn’t include income for the “Fat Stacks Blog” website itself.

“Fat Stacks Blog” (the name comes from hit TV series “Breaking Bad”) is a place for Jon to share his tips and ideas for building successful blogs in niches outside the “Online Marketing” area.

With articles about software, running a business, SEO, email marketing, social media and more, Jon has shared a lot of information on how to create a successful online publishing business.

Jon’s 7 niche blogs make money from a combination of display advertising and affiliate revenue.

Expenses include hosting, a VA, stock photography and some advertising.

Dominic Wells

Screenshot of Human Proof Designs website


Latest Income Figures: June 2016
Monthly Income: $29,684
Monthly Net Profit: $11,142
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 42

Dominic’s Story

Dominic Wells got the idea for his business when he noticed that many of the starter websites available for sale online were simply low quality “cookie-cutter” designs that fooled newcomers into thinking they’d be a good foundation for an online business.

Recognising the value that a good quality starter site could represent, Dominic created “Human Proof Designs”.

As well as selling starter websites and content, the website has a blog and a podcast with a lot of information to help the would-be online entrepreneur build and promote their starter website and create a successful online business – or even to create a site from scratch.

Human Proof Designs is monetized by the sale of custom and pre-written starter websites, sales of articles and keyword packs.

Its main expenses are payments to staff, writers and affiliates.

Holly and Greg Johnson

Screenshot of Club Thrifty website showing a picture of Holly and Greg Johnson and their family.


Latest Income Figures: September 2016
Monthly Income: $25,934
Monthly Net Profit: $35,114
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 55

Holly and Greg’s Story

Holly and Greg Johnson used to work in the mortuary business, but like many people, they built up debts and felt constantly stressed about money.

They realized that if they could change their relationship with money and pay down their debts, they would be happier and have a lot more freedom.

Over a few months, they used Zero Sum Budgeting to cut their spending and reduce their debts. They paid off $50,000 in debt and managed to become debt-free.

Now they’re able to travel, save for their children’s education and still enjoy life to the full.

They started Club Thrifty to help others get rid of their debts and achieve the same freedom that they enjoy.

The blog has articles on money and travel, information on the best credit cards, reviews of reward schemes and more.

Holly and Greg’s income comes from freelancing and content creation, as well as consulting, sponsorships and affiliate income.

Expenses are small, but include advertising costs and a virtual assistant.

Caroline Vencil


Latest Income Figures: November 2018
Monthly Income: $25,871
Monthly Net Profit: $22,926
Pageviews: 125,000
Domain Authority: 39

Caroline’s Story

Growing up, Caroline Vencil wanted to be a business person – and she opened her first lemonade stand aged 7, so she’s a born entrepreneur.

A few years later Caroline left college to be a full-time mom, and her family lived on her husband’s $10 / hour income for years.

After years of money worries, they figured out how to budget, start saving money and finally stop living from one paycheck to the next.

Two more sons later, Caroline was bored and feeling isolated, so she started blogging – and with her background of learning to be frugal, personal finance was the perfect subject.

Caroline’s blog helps readers make money, save money, find side hustles that work, and even learn how to follow in her footsteps and start a blog of their own.

In November 2018, Caroline’s income from her blog was more than $25,000 dollars, with the majority coming from sales of her own products, and a healthy contribution from affiliate commissions, topped up by advertising.

As you’d expect, Caroline keeps expenses well under control with a much-needed new laptop being the largest expense, and a modest amount spent on payroll and advertising allowing for a healthy monthly profit.

Matthew Woodward

Screenshot of showing a photo of Matthew


Latest Income Figures: December 2017
Monthly Income: $25,718
Monthly Net Profit: $23,007
Pageviews: 137,513
Domain Authority: 52

Matthew’s Story

Matthew Woodward started his entrepreneurial career early, writing games reviews for a website aged just 13.

A couple of years later he set up his own website that allowed gamers to share video clips of their play.

Matthew’s early start with websites soon paid off when he landed a position as head of online marketing for a major distribution company with clients like Tesco, Samsung and Motorola.

Deciding to strike out on his own, Matthew set up and ranked more than 40 websites using his growing skill with SEO.

Matthew became fed up with the myths and misinformation about SEO that he saw on forums and internet marketing blogs – and with gurus who only recommended products based on the commission on offer.

So he set up to share what he’s learned about online marketing, and share case studies and good advice about building and ranking websites.

Matthew decided to see if it was possible to rank the blog without doing any link building. As the blog now has more than 100,000 monthly pageviews, he seems to have answered the question convincingly!

The blog is monetized with affiliate commissions on more than 60 products that Matthew has talked about. He also includes a similar amount of affiliate income from another online project which is not publicly disclosed.

Expenses include some Facebook advertising, hosting and email marketing costs.

Gina Horkey

Screenshot of Meet the Team page on with a small photo of Gina Horkey.


Latest Income Figures: December 2016
Monthly Income: $20,492
Monthly Net Profit: $13,971
Pageviews: 704,326
Domain Authority: 41

Gina’s Story

Horkey Handbook is the brainchild of Gina Horkey who describes herself as a millennial mama from Minnesota.

With a background as a professional writer, and more than a decade of experience in financial services, Gina has also worked as an online business consultant.

Horkey Handbook helps people to find VAs (Virtual Assistants) or to find work as a VA.

With case studies about successful VAs and articles about how to become a VA, including the skills required, ideas for services you can offer and information on the legal considerations, the site has a lot to offer those considering this flexible and lucrative line of work.

The blog earns money from offering services such as VA work, writing and coaching, as well as from sales of Gina’s online courses and affiliate commissions.

The main expenses are payments to VAs and writers, and payouts to affiliates.

Nicky and Chris Corbishley

Screenshot of Living The Blog website with photo of Nicky and Chris Corbishley


Latest Income Figures: October 2018
Monthly Income: $19,076
Monthly Net Profit: $18,342
Pageviews: 1,002,291
Domain Authority: 19

Nicky and Chris’s Story

Nicky Corbishley studied computer science at university, and after graduating she spent 14 years in the corporate world, meeting husband Chris and having two kids along the way.

But Nicky found it difficult to juggle her career and family responsibilities, wanted to be able to spend more time with the children, and do something more creative.

Having toyed with blogging for a few months, the offer of a redundancy package from her work gave Nicky the opportunity to try blogging full-time without worrying about money.

Nicky chose to follow her passion and blog about food, creating a blog called “Kitchen Sanctuary”. It took a few months for the income to start to flow, but within three years Chris was able to leave his job to join the new family business!

Although Chris and Nicky still run “Kitchen Sanctuary” – they started “Living the Blog” as a way to help other would-be professional bloggers climb the learning curve and benefit from their experience.

Readers will find content on how to earn money blogging, how to use social media, photography, video and building an audience for your blog.

The main source of income is display advertising, with a significant contribution from sponsored posts, freelance writing and photography.

Expenses include online marketing tools and of course food for creating recipes.

Kristin Larsen

Screenshot of Believe in a Budget website with photo of Kristin Larsen


Latest Income Figures: July 2018
Monthly Income: $18,129
Monthly Net Profit: $15,172
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 42

Kristin’s Story

Kristin Larsen started “Believe In A Budget” in 2015 while working a day job as a designer. Initially, the blog was a side hustle to help her get out of debt.

The first few months were spent grappling with the learning curve as Kristin spent all her free time learning how to be a better blogger.

But all those hours certainly paid off – less than 12 months later Kristin was able to quit her day job to focus on “Believe in a Budget” full-time – and she’s never looked back!

The blog continues to provide great information on side hustles, budgeting and personal finance, how to start a successful blog, and Pinterest marketing.

“Believe in a Budget” mainly earns income from affiliate commissions and sales of Kristin’s course about Pinterest marketing and earning income with side hustles, as well as some ad income.

Expenses include payments to virtual assistants and payouts of affiliate commissions.

Suzi Scheler

Screenshot of website


Latest Income Figures: November 2017
Monthly Income: $17,934
Monthly Net Profit: $17,899
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 18

Suzi’s Story

Suzi Scheler launched her first blog in 2014 – and only a year later she made blogging her full-time career!

Rosevibe has lots of tips on how to start and run a successful blog.

Although Rosevibe is where Suzi publishes her income reports – it’s not currently monetized. She has a beauty blog that makes most of the income she reports, and she has started a secondary blog to earn more income.

About half of the income comes from display advertising, with affiliate commissions making up the other half.

Deacon Hayes


Latest Income Figures: August 2017
Monthly Income: $17,714
Monthly Net Profit: n/a
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 53

Deacon’s Story

Deacon Hayes started “Well Kept Wallet” as a way to document his journey towards paying off $52,000 of consumer debt he’d accumulated.

With a combination of economizing and earning some extra income, he succeeded in paying off the debt.

As “Well Kept Wallet” became more successful, Deacon was able to quit his job and now enjoys travelling as well as working on the blog.

“Well Kept Wallet” features articles in three important categories: Making money, saving money, and paying off debt.

The blog makes money from displaying AdSense advertising, from affiliate commissions, and on display advertising arranged direct with brands who want to be featured on the website.

Deacon has also created two courses on saving and becoming debt free and makes income from selling those.

Justin Weinger

Screenshot of So Over This blog.


Latest Income Figures: November 2017
Monthly Income: $16,156
Monthly Net Profit: $10,715
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 39

Justin’s Story

Justin Weinger bought “So Over This” from its creator Andrea, who had started the blog to document her journey from bankruptcy to a better financial future.

Justin has continued to add content and grow its audience, despite being one of the few bloggers in this roundup who still works a day job.

Today “So Over This” has information on a lot of personal finance topics including credit cards, real estate, retirement and debt.

Justin has bought other websites too, and the figures reported are for his overall portfolio. He expects his earnings from online ventures to top $1,000,000 for the year (the latest monthly income reported was relatively low). Not bad for someone who describes himself as a “technical idiot” when it comes to computers.

Monetization is almost entirely from advertising. Expenses are for articles, a revenue split arrangement, hosting and technical services.

(Update Oct 2020: Justin’s site is triggering a Malware warning in Google Chrome, so we’ve removed the link).

Pauline Cabrera


Latest Income Figures: September 2015
Monthly Income: $15,583
Monthly Net Profit: $13,446
Pageviews: 270,879
Domain Authority: 52

Pauline’s Story

Pauline Cabrera’s online journey began when she was only 15, when she learned HTML from designing her MySpace profile and quickly progressed to creating and selling designs for other users.

Her MySpace designs business took off, getting 250,000 visitors a day at its peak and earning 15-year-old Pauline more than $30,000 per month!

When MySpace’s popularity declined Pauline created another successful business, this time around SEO and Google AdSense – but when Google’s algorithm changes killed that business, Pauline decided she wanted to create something that would last for the long term.

That’s when she started to focus on “TwelveSkip” and blogging as a business.

TwelveSkip is a great resource for website owners who want to get found online. It covers a wide range of online marketing techniques including SEO, email marketing and social media marketing.

Pauline earns income from providing web design and development services as well as social media marketing services. There’s also passive income from affiliate programs.

The main expenses are for independent contractors and website hosting.

Rose Atwater

Screenshot of with photo of Rose Atwater


Latest Income Figures: December 2017
Monthly Income: $13,059
Monthly Net Profit: $11,092
Pageviews: 480,248
Domain Authority: 12

Rose’s Story

Rose Atwater’s blogging journey began in 2009 with a couponing / frugal living blog that never really took off.

But she noticed that her most popular posts were her posts about cakes. This led to starting the “Rose Bakes” blog, and also to

Cakeblogging is designed to help other bakers and cake decorators learn how to blog.

Rose aims to answer all the questions that new cake bloggers have, and also to inspire them to create a blog about their favourite topic – that also makes money if they want to.

As well as blogging tutorials, Rose shares tips on photography, answers readers’ questions and responds to their comments.

Most of the revenue reported comes from the blog – mainly from display advertising, but with contributions from sponsored posts and affiliate commissions too.

Expenses include a virtual assistant, coaching and contract workers.

Chelsea Clarke

Screenshot of Her Paper Route website with photo cf Chelsea Clarke.


Latest Income Figures: June 2018
Monthly Income: $12,972
Monthly Net Profit: $12,272
Pageviews: 41,232
Domain Authority: 36

Chelsea’s Story

Chelsea Clarke has been a marketing strategist and blogger for more than a decade, and now blogs full-time.

Chelsea has a portfolio of money-making blogs on subjects such as cruelty-free beauty, eco-fashion and travel.

“Her Paper Route” is where Chelsea helps women learn how to blog and use Pinterest marketing to create a successful and profitable online business.

Covering topics such as blogging basics, email marketing and social media marketing, there’s lots for aspiring bloggers to discover.

Chelsea’s blogs earn income from affiliate commissions, as well as sales of her courses, mentorships and ebooks.

Expenses are small and include hosting and email and social media marketing tools.

Kayla Sloan

Screenshot of with photo of Kayla.


Latest Income Figures: December 2017
Monthly Income: $10,737
Monthly Net Profit: $7,306
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 37

Kayla’s Story

Kayla Sloan’s career started when she graduated from college and started a 9-5 job – but she couldn’t shake the feeling that there had to be more to life.

She took on some freelance and VA work as a side hustle to make some extra cash – but after an entrepreneur friend asked her about her business goals, Kayla began to think with a more business-focused mindset.

Less than a year later she was able to quit her 9-5 job despite having nearly $150,000 of debt – and a few months after that she’d built a six-figure business!

Kayla’s work as a VA had shown her how many businesses struggle to create and implement the systems and processes they need to outsource work and grow their businesses. has lots of information to help you start and run a thriving VA and freelancing business, so you can follow in Kayla’s entrepreneurial footsteps.

Income comes mainly from Kayla’s VA and blog management services as well as freelance writing, although this is supplemented with some affiliate and advertising revenue.

Expenses include contract services and Facebook advertising.

Sydney Dunham


Latest Income Figures: February 2017
Monthly Income: $10,709
Monthly Net Profit: n/a
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 43

Sydney’s Story

Having grown up in a family that always struggled, worried and fought about money, Sydney Dunham knew she wanted to follow a different financial path.

She worked hard to build a successful career and managed to become financially independent within a few years.

After a while, Sydney started to look for new opportunities to live a life built around her passions for writing, and for helping others, rather than live a life based on a standard template – hence “untemplater”.

Sydney left her 9-5 job and now has her own business editing, writing, managing websites and doing other online work. She shares her wins and losses on the Untemplater blog, to encourage others to build a base of financial freedom and strike out on their own.

Sydney earns money from freelance work, passive income from advertising, affiliate income from the website, and also from her investments.

John Shea


Latest Income Figures: July 2017
Monthly Income: $10,295
Monthly Net Profit: $8,697
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 17

John’s Story

John Shea started out by joining various Multi-Level Marketing schemes in the health and fitness niche – but didn’t feel proud of his work – and his friends and family all thought he was involved with pyramid schemes.

In 2013 he started the Voices of Marketing podcast which enabled him to interview some of the biggest names in online marketing, like Pat Flynn and John Lee Dumas – but despite building a small audience, the show was never a financial success.

John was keen to start a blog which would give him the freedom to be himself, and to publish entertaining content that went beyond marketing to cover lifestyle topics too.

Today John’s “No Shame Income” blog earns income from a wide variety of affiliate programs. The main expense is SEO outsourcing.

Ashleigh Kiser

Screenshot of Sewrella website with photo of Ashleigh Kiser in the sidebar


Latest Income Figures: February 2018
Monthly Income: $9,756
Monthly Net Profit: $9,603
Pageviews: 374,691
Domain Authority: 46

Ashleigh’s Story

Ashleigh Kiser is a crochet designer, crafter and all-around maker, who started the Sewrella blog to contribute to the online crafting community that she loves.

Sewrella has given her a chance to share the patterns and projects that she designs and creates.

You’ll find sections on Crochet and Knitting projects, and if you’ve been inspired to start a blog of your own, Ashleigh has included a section about that as well.

Sewrella makes money from display advertising and sponsored posts, as well as some affiliate income, and sales of patterns through Etsy. Expenses are minimal with Etsy Seller Fees being the largest outgoing.

Lance Cothern

Screenshot of Money Manifesto website.


Latest Income Figures: July 2018
Monthly Income: $9,357
Monthly Net Profit: n/a
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 49

Lance’s Story

Lance Cothern started Money Manifesto in 2012 to use his financial know-how to help people master their finances.

Lance is a CPA – so he knows about money – but by the time his wife had graduated from her nursing degree, they had more than $80,000 of student loan debt.

During his accounting degree, Lance took a keen interest in personal finance, so he was in a great position to tackle their debts. Lance documented their financial journey on Money Manifesto – and they managed to pay off all that debt in less than three years.

That gave him the freedom to leave his corporate job and achieve his dream of working for himself – which he does through blogging and freelance writing about personal finance.

Lance makes most of his monthly income from freelance writing, and advertising revenue from the blog also makes a contribution, with a small proportion from affiliate commissions.

Tammy Kresge

Screenshot of Organize Yourself Skinny blog with photo of Tammy Kresge


Latest Income Figures: April 2016
Monthly Income: $9,260
Monthly Net Profit: $7,442
Pageviews: 892,047
Domain Authority: 54

Tammy’s Story

Over the years Tammy Kresge had gained 60lbs and wasn’t happy with how she felt.

Then a colleague introduced her to online food journal My Fitness Pal. She began recording her eating habits and was shocked to find she could eat 3,000 calories in a day without trying.

A change in her eating habits resulted in a loss of 30lbs – and she lost 10lbs more by adding exercise.

Tammy tells it like it is: She’s lost 40lbs, but put 15 of those back – she says weight loss and maintenance is an ongoing journey.

On “Organize Yourself Skinny”, Tammy shares tips and information, including organized meal prep, freezer cooking, and other routines that make it easier to on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Tammy has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, and worked at a college for 14 years before giving it up to work full-time on her blog “Organize Yourself Skinny”.

Tammy’s blog makes money from display advertising and affiliate commissions. Expenses include staff, web hosting, email marketing and some Facebook advertising.

Pauline Paquin

Screenshot of Make Money Your Way website


Latest Income Figures: May 2016
Monthly Income: $8,760
Monthly Net Profit: $8,460
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 37

Pauline’s Story

Pauline Paquin grew up in Paris, and has always been keen on travel and adventure, so having graduated debt-free she took a 1 year trip around the world, and two 6 month motorcycle trips.

She worked hard in her career and in 2010 she quit her job to travel more, and live life on her own terms.

Pauline has two blogs: shows you how to earn, save and invest your money so that you can live your life to the full. focuses on career improvement, entrepreneurship, starting your own business, and freelancing.

Pauline later re-invested some of her profits into buying Savvy Scott – a UK personal finance blog, and recouped her investment in only 10 weeks!

Pauline makes advertising income from the three blogs and also earns income from freelancing for other sites.

Lena Gott


Latest Income Figures: April 2016
Monthly Income: $7,464
Monthly Net Profit: n/a
Pageviews: 306,685
Domain Authority: 48

Lena’s Story

Lena Gott is a CPA who became a stay-at-home-mom to three kids, and manages to fit running her “What Mommy Does” blog into her busy schedule as well.

“What Mommy Does” is a blog about family finances for stay-at-home-moms – and it allows Lena to spread the word about her passion – raising kids who are financially literate.

With information on projects for the kids, how to earn extra income, budgeting and starting a blog of your own, Lena’s blog helps moms set a great financial example for their kids.

“What Mommy Does” earns income from Lena’s own ebook, and from sponsored posts, display advertising and affiliate commissions.

Hilary Erikson


Latest Income Figures: May 2017
Monthly Income: $6,700
Monthly Net Profit: n/a
Pageviews: 170,175
Domain Authority: 42

Hilary’s Story

Hilary Erickson has worked as a nurse since 2001 and has been writing her blog “Pulling Curls” since 2005.

Hilary is also a mom to three kids – and her blog contains popular sections on mom hacks, family travel, family routines and home organization – based on her own experience.

“Pulling Curls” earns income from affiliate programs, display advertising, sponsored posts and sales of Hilary’s own online courses and ebooks about family life, and home organization.

Alexa Mason


Latest Income Figures: January 2019
Monthly Income: $5,473
Monthly Net Profit: n/a
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 44

Alexa’s Story

In 2012 Alexa Mason was a single mother of two daughters, living in a trailer with $10,000 of debt and struggling from one paycheck to the next.

Alexa was working two jobs and being a Mom, but managed to find time to build her online business – the blog “Single Moms Income”.

But Alexa was determined to improve her situation – so she spent every free minute she had growing her new business. As you can see, Alexa’s had great success, and she’s documented every step of her journey on “Single Mom’s Income”.

The blog has lots of articles about jobs you can do from home, how to earn extra income and money management.

Income comes from affiliate programs, display advertising and some sponsored posts.

Paula Dennholt

Screenshot of Easy Baby Life website with photo of Paula Denholt


Latest Income Figures: April 2017
Monthly Income: $4,310
Monthly Net Profit: $3,634
Pageviews: 524,499
Domain Authority: 43

Paula’s Story

When Paula Dennholt had her youngest child, she found his first year easier to manage, even though his sister was only 18 months older.

Paula knew it was down to everything she’d learned with her first child – and that’s when she decided to share her experience with other new parents to help make their busy lives a little easier.

So she started the “Easy Baby Life” blog, to share her expertise, and evidence-based information on all aspects of baby care, including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and more.

Paula even has two medical doctors on the team to make sure all the health information she publishes is safe and correct.

Most of Easy Baby Life’s income comes from advertising, though there’s also some affiliate income. Expenses are mainly subscriptions to online marketing tools.

Daundra Becker


Latest Income Figures: March 2017
Monthly Income: $3,599
Monthly Net Profit: n/a
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 18

Daundra’s Story

In 2014 Daundra Becker had a husband and two children with a third on the way, trying to live on $1,400 a month and food stamps. They had to move in with family and struggled to make ends meet.

When her husband was injured at work and unable to work for three months, Daundra searched online for a way to make enough income so he wouldn’t have to go back to the trucking job he hated.

She started the “Bringing Home Becker” blog, and only two years later the husband and wife team are working from home on their laptops, and making more than $3,000 per month online.

Today the blog has lots of tips and information to help others who would like to quit their jobs, work from home and make a real income. Daundra spills the beans on making money with freelance writing, and retail arbitrage using Amazon FBA.

“Bringing Home Becker” makes money from freelance work and from Amazon FBA sales.

(Update Oct 2020: Daundra’s website is no longer working so we’ve removed the link).

Sarah Brooks

Screenshot of The Frugal Millionaire website.


Latest Income Figures: January 2018
Monthly Income: $1,738
Monthly Net Profit: n/a
Pageviews: 45,802
Domain Authority: 38

Sarah’s Story

Sarah Brooks has always been interested in finance, since her dad taught her to balance a checkbook at the age of 8. So it’s no surprise she majored on finance in college.

After a career writing and editing, she and husband John quit their jobs to work on their own businesses – and Sarah chose to become a professional blogger, giving her a lot more time with her husband and their young daughters.

She started “The Frugal Millionaire” as a way to track their progress to financial independence, but it soon took off and averages more than $2,000 per month income.

The blog has lots of information on how to follow Sarah’s example and create an extra income from side hustles such as blogging.

The blog makes money mainly through affiliate commissions, and there is also some advertising revenue and income from ebook sales.

Derek Chamberlain


Latest Income Figures: December 2018
Monthly Income: $1,473
Monthly Net Profit: n/a
Pageviews: n/a
Domain Authority: 35

Derek’s Story

Derek Chamberlain graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering and worked for DuPont before co-founding software company WisePair in 2007.

Now with an MBA and an interest in entrepreneurship and personal finance, Derek has created

Derek’s goal with MoneyAhoy is to help his readers achieve their financial dreams. MoneyAhoy has lots of information on how to save money, how to make more money, and how to invest. earns income from affiliate programs and YouTube advertisers.


Screenshot of My Path to Passive Income website with photo of Esteban


Latest Income Figures: January 2018
Monthly Income: $452
Monthly Net Profit: $433
Pageviews: 5,258
Domain Authority: 23

Esteban’s Story

After graduating from university and getting a 9-5 desk job that didn’t usually finish before 7, Esteban realised that he didn’t want to continue working like that for the next 40 years.

After finding out about affiliate marketing, Esteban created “My Path to Passive Income” to document his journey to creating a successful online business.

The blog reviews various online marketing tools – helpfully classified into The Good and The Bad.

Esteban earns income from the blog through affiliate commissions on the products he reviews.

(Update Oct 2020:  Esteban’s website no longer works, so we’ve removed the link.)


I hope you’ve enjoyed this roundup of the top bloggers and their monthly incomes.

Most of all, I hope it inspires you to start a blog or online business of your own – or to continue to work on your existing business.

Do you find it useful and inspiring to read monthly income reports of successful bloggers?

Do you publish your own income reports?

Let me know in the comments below.

9 Responses

  1. Thanks for the mention…this is a great resource for people trying to figure out how to make some extra income online.

  2. That’s amazing.
    I’ve seen many income reports from different other bloggers and most of the time they were talking about monthly million makers.
    And this article does include the big players and people who are still getting there.
    that’s what really matters.
    We all know the big players and they should be making a boatload of money for sure.
    As a newbie Blogger, I’d rather see people are still starting and making money. Maybe just to cover up their expenses.
    That’s still a better motivation than seeing millions of monthly income and dreaming to go there from day one!!

    keep sharing and Love to read more.

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